Never Ignore Abdominal Pain

Alcohol Usage And Eye Problems

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If you are an individual who often drinks alcohol, then you likely understand that alcohol affects the body in a variety of ways. Alcohol use can lead to poor liver and kidney function, and it can cause cardiovascular ailments. You may not know that alcohol can also affect the eyes. Keep reading to learn how so you can discuss possible issues with your eye doctor during your next exam. Vitamin Deficiencies…

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Three Things To Assess When You Wear Breast Augmentation Sizers Before Your Surgery

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When you visit a cosmetic surgery clinic for a breast augmentation consultation, you and your surgeon will talk about the breast size that you want. Many clinics use computer software that takes a photo of you and digitally increases the size of your breasts to give you an idea of how you might appear after the procedure. You can play with different options to decide which will suit you best, but you also have the choice of getting sizer pads to take home with you.…

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Five Ways To Help Your Child Prepare For Surgery

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No one likes having surgery. The fear of the unknown, how much pain it might cause in recovery, and how long the recuperation process will take are all common fears. But when children have to have surgery, their fears can be compounded. Adults usually at least know what to basically expect and can put into words their concerns. Children, especially if they are quite young, don’t always have this ability. If your child needs to have surgery, here are some tips for helping them prepare for it.…

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